
KidPower is dedicated to being involved in the community and raising public awareness of pediatric therapy needs. We are proud to offer education classes for parents, providers, and other individuals interested in learning about pediatric development and ways to support kids as they grow. Education locations have included but are not limited to:

Albuquerque Public Schools

​Rio Rancho Public Schools

University of New Mexico

Community pediatric clinics

Private and charter schools in the state

Accredited professional development trainings hosted in-clinic

    Our treatment philosophy emphasizes a family-centered, play-based approach to therapy that supports the child’s development and allows for maximum progress in functional, daily life skills. A few important qualities we incorporate into treatment include:

    patient rapport and therapeutic use of self

    family education and training

    personalized home programming

    evidence-based evaluation and interventions

    sound clinical knowledge and experience

    individualized, child-led treatment sessions 

    advocacy and consultation for the child 

     The goal of our treatment is to help each child successfully function in all environments with the lease amount of therapeutic support possible, and for them to feel confident as they grow into their "kid power" and learn to love what is unique to them as an individual playing a part in a bigger picture.

    ​​ As we continue to focus on community education, an additional emphasis has been placed on community engagement and outreach. KidPower is proud to partner with the following pediatric and family providers as well as other organizations in the community:

    Anderson Family Chiropractic

    Autism Society of New Mexico

    ​Best Buddies of New Mexico

    Dr. Sam Berne - Holistic Eye Care

    Hampton Inn & Suites

    Impact Jiu Jitsu

    Keshet - Dance and Center for the Arts

    New Mexico United

    Nourished Heart

    Rio Grande Community Farm

    Rio Grande Down Syndrome Network

       Community Education & Outreach

       Our Philosophy

      "If your body is like a car engine, sometimes it runs on high, sometimes it runs on low, and sometimes it runs just right"

      When teachers, therapists, or parents use the simple statement quoted above, they begin the Alert Program® and enter an exciting adventure with clearly defined steps for teaching children self-regulation awareness. 

      ​KidPower is proud to be the first Alert Program® Affiliate in New Mexico! Click HERE to see their free resources and to view items available for purchase.

       Alert Program® Affiliates